MINUTES OF THE FARMER CITY, ILLINOIS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 7p.m. Roll call Present: Councilmembers: Harden, Hawn, Monaghan, Pearl and Mayor Jenkins Also in attendance: City Manager Larry Woliung, City Clerk Sandy Shaw Absent: Pledge of allegiance to the flag Approval of the Agenda Proclamations/presentations Public Comments agenda items SECTION I: CONSENT AGENDA
A. Approval of the minutes of the August 20, 2012 public hearing for the CDAP storm sewer separation.
B. Approval of the minutes of the August 20, 2012 work session
C. Fund warrant list
D. Financial Reports
MOTION by Monaghan to approve consent agenda as printed. Seconded by Hawn. Approved unanimously. Motion carried. SECTION II: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinances or resolutions previously tabled SECTION III: NEW BUSINESS – Ordinances and resolutions for initial consideration 1. Remove from table Resolution 2012-23 – Imo’s Cafe MOTION by Monaghan to remove Resolution 2012-23 Imo’s Café. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried. MOTION by Monaghan to approve Resolution 2012-23 – Imo’s Café TIF #1 grant. Seconded by Hawn. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
2. Remove from table Resolution 2012-24 – Hair Boutique
MOTION by Monaghan to remove from table Resolution 2012-24 – Hair Boutique. Seconded by Hawn. Voted unanimously. Motion carried. MOTION by Monaghan to approve Resolution 2012-24 TIF 1 grant to the Hair Boutique. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
3. Remove from table Resolution 2012-25 – City of Farmer City
MOTION by Monaghan to remove from table Resolution 2012-25 – City of Farmer City. Seconded by Harden. Voted unanimously. Motion carried. MOTION by Monaghan to approve Resolution 2012-25 – TIF 1 grant to the City of Farmer City. Seconded by Hawn. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
4. Resolution 2012-27 – authorizing the payment of $38,924.74 to the DeWitt County Sheriff’s Office for 1/1/12 – 6/30/12 combined dispatch
MOTION Monaghan to approve Resolution 2012-27 – Payment of $38,924.74 to the DeWitt County Sheriff’s Office for combined dispatch. Seconded by Hawn. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
5. Resolution 2012-28 – White Tail Archery Club
MOTION by Monaghan to approve 2012-28 White Tail Archery Club. Seconded by Harden. Voting yes: None, voting no unanimously. Motion failed.
6. Ordinance 906 – Electric rate increase
MOTION by Hawn to table Ordinance 906 to the next scheduled meeting. Seconded by Monaghan. Voted unanimously. Motion carried. SECTION IV: OTHER ITEMS
City manager reports
Dumpsters Days will be held October 6
Non-agenda items and other business
Public comments
ADJOURNMENT Motion by Hawn to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Harden. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
Sandra I. Shaw city clerk