City Council meeting for September 16, 2019
9-16-19 Council packet
9-16-19 Council packet
An Oscar-award winning film company has chosen Farmer City to film a new documentary on Paralympian Tatyana McFadden. Attached is information regarding potential road closures and contact information! Filming downtown flyer
DetailsThe City-wide boil order has been lifted as of 9:15 am Friday, May 31, 2019. You may proceed as normal, consuming and cooking with the water without boiling first. Thank you for your patience!
Press release boil order 052919
Farmer City_Marketing Prospectus_FINAL_05.02.19v2 Direct frontage on I-74 Centrally located within 20-30 minutes of major cities Development incentives available Contact City Manager Sue McLaughlin, at 309-928-3412 or
DetailsThis link provides the IEPA mandated Annual Drinking Water Quality Report CCR farmer city 2018 052019
DetailsHere is the agenda and packet for the City Council meeting of May 6, 2019 5-6-2019
DetailsAttached you will find the PowerPoint presentation by the City Manager at the City Council meeting of March 18, 2019. For questions, please call Sue McLaughlin at (309) 928-3412. Thank you! FY 20 Budget presentation 031919
Details3-18-2019 Council packet
December 3 2018 agenda packet
The City of Farmer City is pleased to announce the hiring of David Betz as its new Police Chief. Lt. Betz enjoyed a successful 31-year career with the City of Chicago before retiring and moving to Decatur. Betz worked in nearly all areas of police work in Chicago from gang investigations to patrol. He holds…