NPDES CSO O&M LTCP public meeting 030121
11-2-20 Council packet
100520 Council packet
Attached is a line-by-line explanation prepared by the Mayor on how to read your utility bill FC utility bill explanation
DetailsWe are proud to present the Annual report for 2019-20! The City spent more than $4.7 million on infrastructure improvements and many other projects. We’re happy to report we’re making good progress toward moving #farmercityforward! Annual Report 2019-20
DetailsCouncil for Sept 8 2020
Chief Guest hired press release FINAL
8-10-2020 special council meeting–downtown park visioning workshop
8-3-2020 Council packet
7-20-20 Council packet
7-6-2020 Council packet
The City of Farmer City recognizes the difficult economic times our businesses have faced due to the coronavirus and Governor’s orders to close. The City Council adopted a Small Business Grant program for immediate financial assistance from the Business District fund (or General Fund in certain cases) to help our businesses bridge the gap until…