If you’re not planning to stick around for the holidays, the Energy Education Council offers some advice to help your electricity run efficiently and safely while you are away. These simple tips will not only lower your energy bill but will also help keep your house safe in your absence:
- Unplug some of your household appliances. Your house has many items that always use electricity when they are plugged in, even when turned off. Unplugging these items not only saves energy, but in some cases, it can prevent possible fire hazards during your absence. Some of the more common items include: television sets, DVD players, cable TV boxes, microwave ovens, and toasters.
- Set the thermostat higher or lower than the typical comfort level. You should consider lowering your thermostat, but to no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Typically, by doing this, you can save 10 to 30 percent on your heating costs. You can shut the air conditioner off during your absence, or at least consider setting it to a higher than normal temperature, such as 80 F. A programmable thermostat can do these adjustments automatically.
- Turn down the water heater. A large percentage of the cost of running a water heater comes from just keeping the water at the selected temperature. If you are going on a lengthy trip, turn down the water heaters temperature to the lowest setting.
The Energy Education Council wants to remind everyone this holiday season that a safe and efficient celebration is the best celebration. For more information visit EnergyEdCouncil.org.