JULY 16, 2012
Roll call Present: Councilmembers: Harden, Hawn, Monaghan, Pearl and
Also in attendance:
City Manager Larry Woliung, City Clerk Sandy Shaw
Absent: Mayor Jenkins
Pledge of allegiance to the flag
Approval of the Agenda
Public Comments Elizabeth Foulks, representing the Farmer City Genealogical and Historical Society stated they will be interested in helping with the planning and redevelopment of 217 S. Main Street
Carl (Chico) Parr discussed his concerns with the Farmer City Police Department
A. Approval of the minutes of the July 2, 2012 regular council meeting
B. Financial reports
MOTION by Hawn to approve consent agenda as printed. Seconded by Pearl. Approved unanimously. Motion carried.
SECTION II: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinances or resolutions previously tabled
SECTION III: NEW BUSINESS – Ordinances and resolutions for initial consideration
1. Ordinance 904 – Adopting the 2012-2013 Appropriation Ordinance
A public hearing was held at 6:55 p.m. on Appropriation Ordinance 904
MOTION by Hawn to adopt Ordinance 2012-2012 Appropriation Ordinance. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
2. Ordinance 905 – Amending Ordinance 755 purchasing categories dated February 6, 2011
Passing of this Ordinance will state the guidelines of the amount of purchasing for the City
MOTION by Hawn to adopt Ordinance 905 amending purchasing categories. Seconded by Harden. Approved unanimously. Motion carried.
3. Resolution 2012-19 – Naming Sandra I. Shaw as the authorizing agent for the City of Farmer City Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
MOTION by Harden to approve Resolution 2012-19 – Naming Sandra I. Shaw as the authorizing agent for the City of Farmer City Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Seconded by Hawn. Approved unanimously. Motion carried
4. Executive Session – Section 2 (c ) (3) of the ILCS – buying/selling property
MOTION by Hawn to close open session and go into executive session. Seconded by Harden. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
MOTION by Harden to close executive session and return to open session. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
5. Resolution 2012 –20 Resolution authorizing the purchase of 217 S. Main Street
Resolution 2012-20 will transfer the ownership of 217 S. Main Street to the City of Farmer City
MOTION by Hawn to approve Resolution 2012-20 – authorizing the purchase of 217 S. Main Street. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried
1. City manager reports
2. Non-agenda items and other business
3. Public comments
None presented
ADJOURNMENT Motion by Harden to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
Sandra I. Shaw city clerk