Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) are an affordable and efficient alternative to traditional incandescent light bulbs. CFLs last longer than incandescent bulbs, require a fraction of the cost to use, and lead to fewer carbon dioxide emissions.
CFLs do contain a small amount of mercury. To put it in perspective, you would have to break 100 CFLs to equal the amount of mercury in an old style thermometer, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The level of mercury in a CFL is nothing to fear, but you should handle them with care. When you are done with a CFL, take it to an approved drop-off. Retailers, including many hardware stores, will properly dispose of CFLs if you drop them out.
If you break a CFL, follow these clean up and disposal procedures:
- Do not vacuum the broken bulb—unless broken glass remains after all other cleanup steps have been taken—because it could spread mercury-containing powder or mercury vapor.
- Have children and pets leave the room.
- Before you start to clean up the broken bulb, shut off the heat or air conditioning to prevent the mercury from circulating. Then open a window, and leave the room for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Using a stiff piece of paper, sweep the broken pieces into a glass jar with a metal lid. Place the cardboard in a sealable container (jar or plastic bag).
- Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to clean up the remaining pieces; put the tape in the jar. If the CFL broke on a hard surface, wipe it down with a damp cloth, and place the cloth in the jar or plastic bag.
- If the CFL broke on carpet and you cannot pick up all the pieces, use a vacuum, but dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag when you are done.
- Be sure to place the jar or bag with broken bulb and cleanup materials outside in a trash container or protected area until it can be disposed of properly. Some recycling centers accept CFLs—but not all of them do. The EPA suggests checking with your local and/or state household hazardous waste authority for disposal requirements in your area.
- Keep the heating or air conditioning system off and continue to let the room air out for several hours.