FEBRUARY 4, 2013
Roll call |
Present: Councilmembers Harden, Hawn, Monaghan, Pearl and Mayor Mike JenkinsAlso in attendance: City Manager Larry Woliung and City Clerk Sandy ShawAbsent:
Pledge of allegiance to the flag |
Proclamations/presentations | |
Public Comments agenda items | |
- A. Approval of the minutes of the January 21, city council meeting
- B. Fund Warrant List
MOTION by Monaghan to approve consent agenda as printed. Seconded by Harden. Approved unanimously. Motion carried.
SECTION II: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinances or resolutions previously tabled
SECTION III: NEW BUSINESS – Ordinances and resolutions for initial consideration
- South Park Presentation
Farmer City Kiwanis Club Secretary Susan Wilson gave a presentation on the South Park renovation. Mrs. Wilson stated that they will be organizing a clean-up of the park in the spring. Included in the spring clean-up will be running trail, soccer fields. A representative from All Inclusive Recreation gave a presentation of the park and pictures of the new playground equipment.. The new equipment will be “farm themed” and will be for ages 2 – 12. The playground equipment will also be ADA accessible.
- Resolution 2013-7 – Resolution authorizing the Kiwanis Club to obtain funding and renovating the playground equipment at South Park.
MOTION by Harden to approve Resolution 2013 – 7 authorizing the Kiwanis Club to obtain funding and begin renovating the playground equipment at South Park. Seconded by Monaghan. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
- Ruth Stauffer – DeWitt County Development Corporation
Ruth Stauffer, executive director for DCDC gave her yearly update. Mrs. Stauffer would like to increase the budget by $40,000 to add Mark and Trish on the DCDC payroll. Mrs. Stauffer is requesting from Farmer city $13,000 for their part of the DCDC budget. Michelle Monaghan asked how many new businesses that were opened in Clinton, and Farmer City. Stauffer stated that most of the new businesses were in Clinton. Farmer City had -0 businesses that opened. Ruth Stauffer stated that she will e-mail the listings of the new businesses that have opened in DeWitt County.
- Ordinance 914 – Amending Electrical Ordinance Chapter 52 establishing the discontinuance of service
MOTION by Hawn to adopt Ordinance 914 the discontinuance of service shall be on the last Wednesday of each month. Seconded by Monaghan. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
- Executive Session – 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (5) To discuss purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body
MOTION by Monaghan to close open session and go into executive session to discuss purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
MOTION by Monaghan to close executive session and return to open session. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
- 6. Executive Session – Executive Session to discuss collective negotiations matters between the City and Fraternal Order of Police – Open Meetings Act Section 2 (b) (2).
MOTION by Monaghan to close open session and go into executive session to discuss collective negotiations matters between the City and Fraternal Order of Police – Open Meetings Act Section 2 (b) (2).Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried
MOTION to close executive session and return to open session. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
- 1. City manager reports.
- 2. Non-agenda items and other business.
- 3. Public comments
ADJOURNMENT Motion by Monaghan to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
Sandra I. Shaw city clerk