(Farmer City)- Nov. 15, 2014, is officially designated as School Board Members Day in Illinois, and Blue Ridge CUSD #18 is joining districts and communities throughout the state to thank these public servants for their commitment and contributions to our public schools.
“School board members are the community voice for our education decisions. They take on this tremendous responsibility not for a paycheck or personal accomplishment, but instead to ensure our children are receiving a quality education that puts them on a path to future success,” said Susan Wilson, Superintendent. “Board members guide the district as tough decisions are made on significant issues that affect not only our school, but the entire community and the lives of individual residents.”
As community trustees for the schools, school board members have oversight in our District for an annual budget of over 10 million dollars; 788 students in grades Pre -K thru 12th; more than 120 employees; and 3 school buildings.
“The demands placed on our local board of education grow each year. They not only accept the difficult challenges, but go above and beyond to ensure students are prepared to be productive citizens and leaders in the 21st century,” Susan Wilson said.
The school board members of Blue Ridge CUSD #18 will be recognized at the regular Board of Education Meeting on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at the Blue Ridge High School Library beginning at 7:00 p.m.
The men and women serving Blue Ridge CUSD #18 are: Bart Lytel, Justin Otto, Franci Miller, Dawn Muth, Dion Lathrom, Kevin Hawkins & Dana Evans.