APRIL 20, 2015
7 p.m.
Roll call |
Present: Councilmembers Harden, Hawn, McKinley, Pearl and Mayor Mike Jenkins |
Also in attendance: City Manager Larry Woliung and City Clerk Sandy Shaw
Pledge of allegiance to the flag |
Public Comments agenda items
- Approval of the minutes of the April 6, 2015 city council meeting
MOTION by Hawn to approve consent agenda as printed. Seconded by Pearl Approved unanimously. Motion carried.
SECTION II: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinances or resolutions previously tabled
SECTION III: NEW BUSINESS – Ordinances and resolutions for initial consideration
- Executive Session – Open meeting Act 5ILCS 120/2 (c ) (11) Litigation pending, probable or imminent
MOTION by Hawn to close open session and go into executive session – Open meeting Act 5ILCS 120/2 (c ) (11) Litigation pending, probable or imminent. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
MOTION by Hawn to close executive session and return to open session. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
- Resolution 2015-9 – Donation to the Farmer City Historical Society
This donation of $3,000 will help defray the operational costs of the museum for the year 2015.
MOTION by Hawn to approve Resolution 2015-9 – Donation to the Farmer City Historical Society. Seconded by Harden. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
- Ordinance 948 – Amending Ordinance 580 “An Ordinance Relating to the billing for water, sewer and electrical service – Rental Property Service Deposit and related matter to rental property
This ordinance amending 580, adding Section 52.02 Rental Property Service Deposit. Amendment reads that “All persons listed on lease shall be held financially responsible for any utilities at the stated address or any subsequent address should a balance be owed to the city.
The city shall mandate that each responsible adult be named on the lease or contract.
A lease shall be provided to city hall prior to services
The city shall not connect utility service until any outstanding balance has been satisfied.
MOTION BY Hawn to adopt Ordinance 948 – Amending Ordinance 580 relating to billing for electric, water and sewer. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
- Ordinance 949 – Regulating hours at all city parks
MOTION by Pearl to adopt Ordinance 949 – Regulating hours at all city parks. Seconded by Harden. All voting no: MOTION FAILED.
- City manager reports.
- Non-agenda items and other business.
- Public comment
Tim Hanon, spoke to Council present about a tree that needs to be removed in alley behind his residence
Eugene Scray spoke to Council present about the property located at 345 S. John Street
ADJOURNMENT Motion by McKinley to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
Sandra I. Shaw city clerk