Drinking Water Notice
USEPA Lead ALE Tier 1 Public Notice Template
GFL Environmental will be providing townwide leaf pickup on Wednesday, November 20th and Wednesday, December 11th. Leaves must be bagged in disposable paper lawn bags. Brush must be small in nature (no trunks/large limbs) and bundled, no more than 50 pounds in weight. For questions, please contact GFL at (217)935-5652.
UPDATE: As of today (11/6), the burn ban has been lifted. Please continue to follow the guidelines outlined in the city ordinance. https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/…/farmercity_il/0-0-0-4635 There is to be no open burning until further notice.
Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Commission Resolution of Zoning Commission Recommend Zoning Ord FarmerCityZoneMap 2
Attached is the City’s policy setting the parameters of the messages to be posted on the City’s digital sign at Rt. 150/Rt. 54. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact City Hall at (309) 928-3412. Thank you! Municipal Digital Sign Policy
The City has accomplished some really good things over the past year to year and a half. Check out all the details on the attached report!! Annual Report 2022-23.doc
Tabeling press release final
7-10-23 Council packet
Attached is a rundown of the online survey regarding leaf burning within the City limits. https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-Z2lkvSEZW_2FA4ZNa4MahtuQ_3D_3D/ We have also attached the written responses for the survey here below Leaf burning survey comments In regards to the paper survey, those results are below: 44 turned in 84% burn currently 84% in favor of burning 77% against…
The City Council, per Councilman Walsh’s request, is discussing whether to ban leaf/yardwaste burning within city limits. Please take our survey to provide your opinion on the matter, if you are a resident. Survey closes June 2 so that the Council can discuss the results at its meeting on June 5, 2023. https://surveymonkey.com/r/LeafBurning
The City of Farmer City is now accepting bids for the reconstruction of the parking lot at 1230 Georgerock Drive. Bids are due by January 31, 2023 at 10 am when the bids will be opened. The plans and complete bid proposal for this project can be obtained by contacting: Baylor Wagehoft, PE 3116 N.…
The City will have a ribbon cutting at the new Prairie Ridge playground this Monday, October 3, 2022 at 5 pm. Please see the attached press release for more information! Press release Prairie Ridge playground
Attached is information regarding the upcoming 2023 municipal election 2023 election notice
The City is seeking bids for the removal of 6 trees and 9 stumps throughout town. Bids are due Sept 1, 2022. Questions? Please call City Hall at (309) 928-3412. Thank you! Tree Removal bid packet
The City Council recently adopted a Vacant Property Registration Ordinance. If a property owner owns a property that is vacant, they are required to register the property with the City. If it is under active or ongoing rehabilitation or for sale, it is exempt. In addition, it offers extension requests and waivers depending on the…
Sidewalk master plan draft Water Sewer master plan draft
Attached is the Powerpoint presentation used during the City Council meeting on April 4, 2022. You can watch the video on YouTube or via the City’s Facebook page Budget presentation FY 23
March 7 2022 Council