Oct. 1, 2018 Agenda
Agenda Packet – PDF
Agenda Packet – PDF
PDF File Farmer City Haunted Forest Fri., Oct. 26 • 6p.m.-11p.m. Sat, Oct. 27 • 3p.m.-11 p.m. The Farmer City Haunted Forest is a Haunted Hay rack Ride through the Salt Creek Campsites, located in South Park just south of Farmer City. The hay rack ride takes you around South Park and then into the…
The City of Farmer City is considering adopting a new commercial/industrial TIF that will promote economic revitalization from I-74 through downtown and beyond. This new TIF will provide funds to rehab deteriorating structures, improve infrastructure and entice new development. Attached here you will find the Farmer City Forward TIF Plan for your review. The City…
PDF Files: Agenda Packet Financial Report
Meeting Help on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018 at 6pm PDF File
PDF Watch for school children the start of the 2018-19 school year Places to take Your Electronic Recyciling FYI – Starting back on January 1, 2012, electronic devices are banned from landfills and cannot be disposed of with regular trash. The Electronic Products and Recycling Act of Illinois provides for free drop off and disposal of electronics to all individual…
Agenda Packet – PDF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FARMER CITY, ILLINOIS MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 2018 6:00 P.M. AGENDA PRELIMINARY MATTERS Call to order Roll call Pledge of allegiance to the flag Proclamations/presentations/recognitions Public Comments SECTION I CONSENT AGENDA The following items will be adopted on a single motion without discussion unless…
Attached are the agenda and packet for this Monday’s City Council meeting of July 30, 2018 at 6:00 pm at City Hall, 105 S Main St. 7-30-18 council packet
PDF City crews have been working hard on a few projects early this summer. They kicked off its 2018-19 hydrant replacement campaign by replacing a hydrant at State and Green Street that has been inoperable for 2 years. They also uncovered and added rip-rap to a couple of culverts at John Street and Van Buren…
CITY COUNCIL MEETING FARMER CITY, ILLINOIS MONDAY, JULY 30, 2018 6:00 P.M. AGENDA The regular scheduled City Council meeting July 16, 2018 has now been rescheduled for Monday, July 30, 2018 6 p.m. NOTE: Anyone planning to attend the meeting who has need of special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities…
REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FARMER CITY, ILLINOIS MONDAY, JULY 9, 2018 6:00 P.M. AGENDA PRELIMINARY MATTERS Call to order Roll call Pledge of allegiance to the flag Proclamations/presentations/recognitions Public Comments SECTION I CONSENT AGENDA The following items will be adopted on a single motion without discussion unless a council member requests separate…
The City Clerk of the City of Farmer City will receive sealed bids for the demolition and removal of the house located at 420 North John Street Bids will be opened at 2 p.m. Friday, July 6, 2018 in the City Council chambers, 105 S Main Street Farmer City. All bids must be submitted on…