Richmond Repair
120 E. Dodge St. 309.928.9466
13468 Dupont Rd.. Farmer City Phone: 309-825-9689 Residential, Agricultural & Commercial Carpentry.
The city shall operate under the managerial form of municipal government as provided for in ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5. (Ord. 756, passed 4-16-01) The City Council shall be elected at large and shall consist of a Mayor and four Councilmembers according to ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 5-2-12. The powers of the council…
§ 30.030 FORM OF GOVERNMENT. The municipality of the City of Farmer City, DeWitt County, Illinois, shall continue to be a municipal corporation with the name Farmer City. (Ord. 568a, passed 3-18-91) The city shall include all territory encompassed by its boundaries as of June 1, 1990, or as they are hereafter modified pursuant to…