First Christian Church
First Christian Church 220 E. Market St. 309.928.3741
First Christian Church 220 E. Market St. 309.928.3741
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 612 N. Plum St. 309-928-3855 Rev. James Henning, O.F.M., Conv. Worship times: Sun. 10:30 a.m. 1st Friday Noon 2nd Friday 10 a.m.
First Baptist Church (SBC) 221 N. Lincoln St. 309-928-9062 Mike Jenkins, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m., 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study: 6 p.m.
MINUTES OF THE FARMER CITY, ILLINOIS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 17, 2012 7 p.m. Roll call Present: Councilmembers Harden, Hawn, Monaghan, Pearl and Mayor Mike Jenkins Also in attendance: City Manager Larry Woliung, City Clerk Sandy Shaw Absent: None Pledge of allegiance to the flag Public Comments agenda items Proclamations/presentations …
RESOLUTION 2013-3 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS WITH SUPPLIERS TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT, LABOR AND SERVICES TO MAKE GENERATOR UNIT 5 COMPLIANT WITH RICE NESHAP STANDARDS WHEREAS, the City of Farmer City has previously determined it is desirable and in the public interest to own and operate a diesel powered electric generating plant;…
ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 2013-2 CITY OF FARMER CITY, ILLINOIS 2013 MEETING AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE The following dates are scheduled as regular 2013 meeting dates of the Farmer City, City Council (regular time 7 p.m.) January 7 and 21 July 1 and 15 February 4 and 18 August 5 and 19 March 4…
RESOLUTION 2013-1 AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF TIF DISTRICT 1 GRANT FUNDS RICK’S 306 S. MAIN FARMER CITY This agreement entered this7th day of January 2013, between the city of Farmer City, Illinois and Tom Rick, owner of Rick’s 306 S. Main Street Farmer City, DeWitt County, Illinois, (hereinafter called the “recipient”), WITNESSETH:…
(A) The City Clerk and City Treasurer shall be appointed by the City Council from time to time by majority vote, after the City Manager has presented a recommendation concerning a person or persons to serve in such offices. (B) The City Clerk or City Treasurer are subject to removal by the appointing authority, at…
333 S. Main 309.928.2161
910 N. Main St. 309.928.9043 Commercial, Industrial & Residential