With all landscaping work be aware of overhead power lines. Keep yourself and equipment clear of power lines, and do not plant something close to power lines that may one day become a hazard. To avoid future electrical hazards, planting tips include:
- Consider mature height of trees. Do not plant near overhead power lines any tree that can grow to 25 feet tall. A mature height of less than 15 feet is recommended
- Do not plant near underground utility services. Roots can grow and interfere with underground pipes, cables, and wires. Future repairs to these facilities also could damage the health and beauty of nearby plants and trees.
- Keep areas around electric meters, transformers, or other electrical equipment free of any vegetation that could limit utility service access.
- Before digging, always call 8-1-1 to have underground utility lines marked so that accidental contact, damage, and injuries can be avoided.
Visit SafeElectricity.org for more tips on safety around electricity.