On Sunday, September 7, 2014 the Blue Ridge Football Homecoming; the team being called ‘The Ridge’ this year while merged with Ridgeview, with the Mustangs being the mascot for the team. The Homecoming game will be Fri., Sept. 12 starting at 7 p.m. against El Paso-Gridley.
The started off the home coming at 2 pm with a parade through Farmer City. Where it ended at the Blue Ridge High School with the coronation, powderpuff football, boy’s volleyball and a tug of war.

King Seth Wax & Queen Jacey Raney
King and Queen
King Seth Wax
Queen Jacey Raney
Float Winners:
Seniors 1st
Freshman 2nd
Juniors 3rd
Sophomores 4th.
Powderpuff — Senior/Freshman team
Megan Tsevelekos scored the only touchdown and it was an 80 yard run!!
Volleyball — Juniors
Tug of War — Juniors
Mr. and Mrs. Cool — Megan Tsevelekos and Coale Dolbert