JANUARY 21, 2013
Roll call |
Present: Councilmembers Harden, Hawn, Monaghan, Pearl and Mayor Mike JenkinsAlso in attendance: City Manager Larry WoliungCity Clerk Sandy Shaw
Pledge of allegiance to the flag |
Proclamations/presentations | |
Public Comments agenda items | |
- A. Approval of the minutes of the January 7, 2013 city council meeting
- B. Financial Reports
MOTION by Monaghan to approve January 7, 2013 as printed. Seconded by Hawn. Approved unanimously. Motion carried.
MOTION by Hawn to approve financial report as printed. Seconded by Monaghan. Voting yes: Harden, Hawn and Pearl. Voting No: Jenkins and Monaghan. Motion carried.
SECTION II: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinances or resolutions previously tabled
SECTION III: NEW BUSINESS – Ordinances and resolutions for initial consideration
- 1. Resolution 2013-4 Farmer City Heritage Days authorizing up to $10,000.00 to help defray the costs for Heritage Days
Jill Hardesty, chairman of the Heritage Days committee spoke to council about the upcoming festival to be held in May or September. Mrs. Hardesty will announce the date of the festival in the coming weeks. If the festival will be held in May the committee will need the money by the 1st of May. Hardesty will keep council updated on the dates of the festival.
MOTION by Harden to approve Resolution 2013-4 – Approve Resolution 2014 4 authorizing up to $10,000.00 to help defray the costs for Heritage Days. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
2 Resolution 2013-5 – Resolution appointing members to the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Union Negotiating Committee
Adopting this resolution will name the negotiating committee for the contract renewal of the Farmer City Police department
MOTION by Hawn to approve Resolution 2013-5 – Appointing members to the Fraternal Order of Police Union Negotiating Committee. Seconded by Monaghan. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
3 RESOLUTION 2013-6 Resolution authorizing the expenditure of one-third the cost of sidewalks in accordance with the public sidewalk installation and replacement program located at 612 N. Plum Street
MOTION by Monaghan to approve Resolution 2013-5 – Authorizing one-third of the cost of sidewalks in accordance with the public sidewalk installation and replacement program located at 612 N. Plum Street. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
4. Ruth Stauffer, DeWitt County Development Corporation
Ruth Stauffer will be at the February 4, 2013 council meeting
5. Executive Session – Personnel – to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, and/or performance of specific employees pursuant to Section 2 (c ) (1) of the Open Meetings Act, 5ILCS 102/2 (c ) (1)
MOTION by Monaghan to close open session and go into Executive Session – personnel to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, and/or performance of specific employees pursuant to Section 2 (c ) (1 ) of the Open Meetings Act 5ILCS 102/2 (c ) (1 ). Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
MOTION by Monaghan to close executive session and go into open session. Seconded by Hawn. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
- 1. City manager reports.
Discussion included: TIF#1 meeting with the Blue Ridge School board to discuss extending TIF#1. Mayor Jenkins and City Manager Larry Woliung will meet with the board on Tuesday, May 22, 2013
- 2. Non-agenda items and other business.
- 3. Public comments
ADJOURNMENT Motion by Hawn to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Pearl. Voted unanimously. Motion carried.
Sandra I. Shaw city clerk