City Council meeting of January 4, 2021
01-04-21 Council
11-2-20 Council packet
100520 Council packet
Attached is a line-by-line explanation prepared by the Mayor on how to read your utility bill FC utility bill explanation
We are proud to present the Annual report for 2019-20! The City spent more than $4.7 million on infrastructure improvements and many other projects. We’re happy to report we’re making good progress toward moving #farmercityforward! Annual Report 2019-20
Council for Sept 8 2020
Chief Guest hired press release FINAL
8-10-2020 special council meeting–downtown park visioning workshop
8-3-2020 Council packet
7-20-20 Council packet
7-6-2020 Council packet
The City of Farmer City recognizes the difficult economic times our businesses have faced due to the coronavirus and Governor’s orders to close. The City Council adopted a Small Business Grant program for immediate financial assistance from the Business District fund (or General Fund in certain cases) to help our businesses bridge the gap until…
At its meeting of May 4, 2020, the City Council voted to approve placing a question on the ballot this November to ask for a bump in the sales tax rate to fund infrastructure. You can see the Council meeting on this website under City Council, May 4 meeting and read the attached press release…
The City Council has collectively issued this letter in response to Gov. Pritzker’s renewed Executive Order extending shelter-in-place directives through the end of May 2020. Letter to Gov re extended shelter-in-place 042820
As a reminder, you may submit an email, letter or phone message as part of the Budget Public Hearing process no later than 545 pm on Monday, April 20, 2020. Email to:, Letters to 105 S Main St, Farmer City IL 61842 or drop in the dropbox in front of city hall, or call…